Summer is here! Which means temperatures are at an all-time high and so is the risk for dehydration. It can be easy for you to become dehydrated through all the fun activities so here are some tips for staying hydrated in the heat.
Tips to Stay Hydrated

- Drink water before you feel thirsty – If you feel thirsty you are already dehydrated. Don’t wait to feel thirsty. Grab a cup and start drinking. When it comes to staying hydrated in the heat, make it part of your regular routine so that it feels natural to you.

- Check the color of your urine –Your urine should be a pale yellow color. Dark yellow urine lets you know that you are dehydrated. Also, not going to the bathroom often enough is another signal that you are not taking in enough fluids.

- Drink water before, during, and after exercise – A good way of replenishing fluids is by replacing them as soon as you’re losing them.

- Avoid alcohol – Alcohol is extremely dehydrating as it is a diuretic. It will prompt you to urinate more often than necessary, releasing the fluids that are keeping you hydrated.

- Avoid Energy Drinks – Energy drinks contain high amounts of caffeine that can dehydrate you fast. Energy drinks also cause the heart to pump faster, which can increase the likelihood of heatstroke.

- Avoid Coffee and tea – These two drinks are other forms of diuretics. While these two drinks are survival methods for many people that want to get through the workday, it’s best to replenish with water instead. You don’t have to completely cut off coffee or tea, but replacing a cup here or there with water will do your body good.

- Eat vegetables and fruits – Fruits and vegetables have high water content naturally in them. You won’t even feel like you’re hydrating yourself!

- Eat salty foods – Salty foods can be good for you when you are sweating excessively, like during an intense workout.

- Drink chocolate milk – Chocolate milk is a good source of protein, carbohydrates, and electrolytes.

- Eat soup and vegetable juices – These foods are a good way of sneaking in extra water into your diet; they count towards your fluid intake.

- Eat dried fruit and nuts – Dry fruit and nuts have large amounts of potassium, sodium, protein, calories, and carbohydrates.

- Drink 3 glasses of water for every pound you lose during exercise – Chances are you are losing water weight if you are not purposely exercising to reduce pounds off your waistline. To recover that weight, drink 3 glasses of water for every pound you lose. Also, consider drinking a sports drink to regain electrolytes during an intense workout.

- Track your water intake – If you are conscious of how much water you are drinking, you will notice how little or how much you drink in a day. Make it a habit to write down the number of times you are refilling your water bottle. Set a goal for yourself, depending on the weather or exercise you are doing, and try to meet your goal. Each day, you should be getting close to meeting it.

- Weigh Yourself – Make it a habit to weigh yourself before and after a workout to determine how much water weight you are losing. The goal is to stay hydrated and not worry about weight loss for this particular measurement.

- Apply cooling compresses to your head, neck, and chest – If you can’t maintain your body temperature at normal levels, get a cold compress and apply it to your head, neck, and chest. Recover by drinking water slowly.
Water Facts

You hear constantly that drinking water is very important, but you never hear why. Due to that, it can be easy to disregard that suggestion, but it can also be dangerous. Here are facts to keep in mind:
- Water is a nutrient.
- Water is essential for removing waste and toxins from your body. Lack of water leads to constipation and kidney issues. The remaining waste in your body can become uncomfortable, painful, and toxic.
- Water regulates your body temperature. Your body temperature rises through heat and exercise. Not drinking water will lead your body temperature to skyrocket to life-threatening numbers.
- Heatstroke occurs when your vital organs are overheated. Water is what cools them down.
- You can last 3 weeks without food but only mere days without water.
- Less than 30 percent of your body is made without water.
Signs of Dehydration

- Dark-colored urine
- Constipation
- Thirst
- Tiredness
- Headache
- Feeling Lightheaded
- Vomiting
Consequences of Dehydration
Heatstroke can lead to organ damage, seizures, coma, or death. Apart from being mindful about staying hydrated in the heat, you want to be mindful about drinking water as it can be dangerously easy to end up in a situation like this which is why you should make sure to drink plenty of water.
When to Seek Medical Help for Dehydration

We hope that you use our tips for staying hydrated in the heat, but if you feel dizzy, overheated, and unwell please seek immediate medical attention. If your symptoms don’t go away, you will likely need medical interference. Stop by Village Emergency Centers in Clear Creek, or Jersey Village for the quality medical care that you deserve.
Further Reading:
Can Allergies Cause Ear Infections?
Insect Bites You Should Seek Medical Attention For
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Your Child’s Back to School Physical – When and Why it is Important‘