People often refer to allergy season in Texas as a contained time of the year. However, the truth is that Texans suffer from seasonal allergies all year long! Despite that fact, allergies in Texas aren’t something that should deter you from enjoying all the fun that the great state has to offer. Keep reading to find out everything you need to know to survive and thrive in Texas, no matter what allergens are filling the air.

What Causes Allergies in Texas?
All types of substances can trigger an allergic reaction, but the main culprits in Texas are pollen grains. Tree pollen makes up the main percentage of Texas allergens; the type of tree attacking the public immune system, however, varies depending on the season. When trees aren’t doing the dirty work, the slack is picked up by allergens like ragweed, grass, dust, pet dander, and mold.
This means that no specific time of year can be considered the “worst time” for allergy sufferers in Texas and that a game plan for banishing allergies all year long is essential. Below is an outline of what Texans are fighting against during each season.
Fall: Ragweed
Ragweed, a plant common in the tropical and subtropical regions of North America, is one of the main fall allergens that Texans need to be on the lookout for. This flowering plant is responsible for producing billions of pollen grains each fall allergy season.
Winter: Cedar Trees
If you happen to live in Texas, then chances are you’re familiar with the cedar tree. Thought of by some as the most hated tree in Texas, during the winter, this tree can cause many to suffer from “Cedar Fever” or a set of allergy symptoms very similar to the flu.
Spring: Oak Trees
Not quite as infamous in Texas as the cedar tree is the oak tree that releases its pesky pollen grains in the spring. A recent rise in oak tree pollen production has left streets, houses, and cars covered in a fine yellow powder that brings troublesome allergy symptoms along with it.
Summer: Grass
If you suffer from a grass allergy, then summer is when you’ll begin to feel the effect of newly growing greenery in the fields of Texas. The pollen grains produced by grass, though microscopic, can cause a variety of allergic reactions ranging from the annoying to the worrisome.

What Do Allergic Reactions Look Like?
The first step in fighting seasonal allergies is knowing how to spot the various types of allergic reactions. That way, you can respond immediately, alleviating discomfort as soon as possible. Allergic reactions most often manifest as the following:
- Runny Nose
- Itchy Eyes
- Sneezing
- Congestion
- Cough
- Sore Throat
- Difficulty Breathing
- Fatigue
- Hives
In more severe cases, allergies in Texas can cause asthma triggered by exposure to various allergens, known as Allergy Asthma, or an uncomfortable case of hay fever. Hay fever is similar to the common cold, but it is a set of symptoms triggered by allergens as opposed to the cold virus.

Does Allergy Medication Really Work?
Yes! Allergy medications work by acting as antihistamines that prevent cells in the body from going haywire when they’ve been exposed to allergens, thus stopping the process of an allergic reaction. This means that medications can be a great first defense against allergies in Texas.
Additional precautions can be taken by making cleaning a priority. Vacuuming your house once or twice a week and making sure bed sheets are fresh can help prevent pollen and other allergens from settling into the areas you come in contact with most.
For those who enjoy drying their clothes on a line outside, waiting until allergy season dies down may be wise since pollen can cling to drying cloth. In addition to drying your clothes indoors, leaving your shoes on the front mat may also be helpful; this will prevent pollen from being tracked into the house.

Your Allergy Experts at Village Emergency Centers
Most allergy symptoms can be managed with allergy medications and a few simple daily practices to keep pollen at bay. However, when allergies in Texas become overwhelming or life-threatening, seeking emergency medical treatment is crucial. At Village Emergency Centers, we provide expert care in our Emergency Rooms for flu and other allergies, ensuring fast and effective relief. With locations in Jersey Village and League City, we’re here to help allergy sufferers in the Lone Star State enjoy the great outdoors all year long with proper guidance and expert medical assistance. Visit us today for compassionate emergency care!