Catching a cold is never fun, and as we enter the winter months when coming down with the cold or flu is more likely, it’s important to remind ourselves of what we can do to stay healthy! Luckily, there are plenty of daily practices you can implement to stay ahead of troublesome cold-weather bugs. Keep reading to learn a few important tips on how not to get sick during winter.

Exercise Outdoors
Breathing the warm, dry air often circulated inside homes during the cold and flu season can make you much more likely to get sick. Infectious diseases, such as flu viruses or the common cold, thrive in dry, warm environments. Spending more time outdoors getting exercise will not only boost your immune system and improve your overall health but will expose you to cold weather and humid air that doesn’t carry unwanted germs into your respiratory tract.

Practice Good Hygiene
As always, practicing good hygiene can help you avoid getting sick. This means showering regularly, avoiding touching your face as much as possible, and having hand sanitizer readily available. Most importantly, remember to wash your hands! By making these habits a part of your daily routine, you’ll increase your chances of staying healthy.
Take Immunity Supplements
It’s always a great idea to stock up on immunity supplements during the winter months! Many consider this the 101 of how not to get sick during winter, and when combined with the other practices outlined in this article, they sure can help! Immunity boosters like Vitamin C help prepare your immune response for taking on illnesses and keeping you healthy. Be sure to consult with your doctor before making supplements a part of your daily routine.

Get Enough Sleep
This piece of advice is frequently handed out but rarely heeded. It’s important to remember that getting enough sleep is a huge part of maintaining our overall health. During the cold-weather months, getting plenty of sleep and making sure your body has the energy it needs to keep running smoothly can help prevent you from coming down with an illness. To stay healthy, try to prioritize sleep and get the daily hours of rest that you need.

Eat Healthy and Drink Water
Eating nutritious food and keeping yourself properly hydrated can help you avoid getting sick. The food you eat and the amount of water you drink play a part in your overall wellness, which is why paying close attention to those habits in your life can help you stay healthy. Nutrient-rich food, like veggies and leafy greens, will boost your immune system in ways that sugary foods and alcohol won’t. Drinking water helps provide oxygen to organs that need it to function properly; it also helps flush unwanted immune-inhibiting toxins from the body.
Actively Manage Stress
Being proactive in your stress management and practicing self-care is a great way to help yourself stay healthy. In addition to wreaking havoc on the mind, stress can take a severe toll on the body over time. As you can imagine, when your body is worn down, it can be difficult to avoid getting sick. Finding small, or large, ways to rejuvenate yourself daily can go a long way in maintaining your overall health and wellbeing during the winter months and all year long.
Get Your Flu Shot
Lastly, but certainly not least, make sure to get your flu shot yearly, as is recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)! Being up to date on this yearly vaccination will likely save your upper respiratory system from struggling through a harsh winter cough; if you’re vaccinated and do catch the flu virus, your symptoms will be much more manageable. In addition to helping you stay healthy during cold and flu season, being vaccinated against the flu also helps you avoid getting other people sick. Many facilities that offer the flu shot are also capable of administering COVID-19 vaccines. Be sure to schedule a time to get your annual flu shot and other vaccinations at a trusted medical facility near you!
Village Emergency Center Can Help
While these tips on how to not get sick during winter can help stop illness from taking hold, they aren’t a guaranteed preventative. If you or a loved one are suffering from a cold-weather illness, go to a medical facility with board-certified medical staff for assistance. These facilities can provide comprehensive care, including but not limited to prescription medication for treatment, various tests and on-site analysis, as well as IV treatment in severe cases. When it’s needed, entrusting your care to the experts is always a good decision!