Hip injuries from falling are often associated with older people, but fall-related injuries, such as hip fractures, and hip problems in general can happen to anyone of any age. In this article, we will explore some of the most common hip injuries, as well as their causes, symptoms, and the treatments available.
Are Hip Injuries Serious?
The seriousness of hip injuries can vary widely from not very serious to life-threatening. So, are hip injuries serious? They definitely can be.
Hip injuries are notoriously hard to come back from, especially for the elderly. After suffering a hip injury, many older adults are no longer able to live on their own. In addition to a loss of independence, hip injuries may cause negative long-term effects such as loss of mobility and a decreased range of motion.
A prolonged lack of movement can cause blood clots in the legs or lungs, bedsores, pneumonia, and a loss of muscle mass. All of these conditions increase the risk of death or, at the very least, of falls in the future. For these reasons, any hip injuries sustained by you or a loved one should be taken seriously and treated with care.
Common Causes of Hip Injuries
While 95% of hip fractures are caused by falls, there are other things that can cause hip injuries, including overuse, blunt force trauma, injuries sustained while playing contact sports, or car accidents. These incidents can cause injury to the hip area in both young adults and the elderly.
That being said, the most common cause of hip injuries is a slip or fall. Women, who make up ¾ of all people who sustain hip injuries, are more likely to suffer a hip injury from a fall because more women suffer from osteoporosis and have decreased bone density, making hip and thigh bone fractures much more likely.
There are certain risk factors that make a person more likely to suffer injury from a slip or fall; these include:
- Limited Mobility
- Impaired Gait and Balance
- Visual Impairment
- Reduced Muscle Mass and Strength
- Poor Reaction Time
- Certain Types of Medication

What Injuries Can You Get From Falling on Your Hip?
Hip injuries from falling can take many forms. Keep reading to explore them in more detail.
Bursae are the fluid-filled sacs that cushion the hard parts of our bones, preventing wear and tear by reducing the friction they experience. After these sacs sustain an injury, they become inflamed. This is called bursitis. This condition can cause localized pain in the affected area, as well as pain that may increase through pressure and slight movement.
Labral Tears
The hip is a ball and socket joint, and the labrum is the piece of connective tissue that holds the hip ball in place within its socket. This connective tissue can be easily damaged during a fall, causing a person instability, pain, and, in some cases, dislocation.
A dislocation occurs when the hip joint pops out of its socket, similar to the way someone can dislocate their shoulder. A dislocation can cause acute to severe pain, muscle spasms, swelling, discoloration, numbness, an inability to put weight on the leg, and a visible displacement of the hips and legs.
Hip fractures often occur in the upper portion of the femur and are one of the most common hip injuries sustained in falls, specifically in elderly patients. A broken bone in the hip can cause intense pain, an inability to move or stand, swelling, bruising, a disparity between leg length, and noticeable distortion in the shape of the legs or hips.
Hip Strain
The anatomy of the hip includes several major ligaments, tendons, and muscles, each of which can be pulled or injured during a fall or strenuous activity. A hip strain can result in tenderness, limited range of motion, swelling, muscle weakness, and pain during movement.
Snapping Hip Syndrome
Snapping hip syndrome is a condition characterized by the audible sound of snapping or a snapping sensation being felt in the hip area. Other symptoms associated with this condition include tightness in the hip, swelling, weakness, and limited mobility.
If a person has been injured in a fall, it is possible that a lack of stability was what caused the fall in the first place. If this is the case, a person may experience even more instability after a fall, thereby increasing the risk that they will fall again.

How to Prevent Falls
While there will always be accidents, there are many things you can do to decrease the risk of falling and help prevent falls altogether. Some of these include:
- Sticking to a regular exercise routine to help you stay strong and improve balance.
- Eating a balanced diet that is rich in calcium and vitamin D.
- Maintaining a healthy weight.
- Getting regular exams to actively monitor your risk of visual impairment.
- Being careful when being active or engaging in high-risk activities.
- Quitting smoking, as smoking can contribute to the loss of bone density.
- Using a cane or walker for increased stability.

Treatment for Hip Injuries Caused by Falls
Even if you do all of the above, you may still be injured in a fall. If you are, you can either treat your pain yourself or seek out medical help depending on the severity of your injury.
For younger adults and most people, most mild symptoms of hip strain or injury can be treated through ice application, rest, and the immobilization of the hip. However, older adults and those suffering from severe hip injuries should seek out medical assistance as soon as possible.
A severe hip injury will almost always call for surgical intervention or a hip replacement. For this reason, ignoring pain and other symptoms in the hope that the injury will resolve itself can worsen your condition and have negative long term consequences. Seeking medical attention immediately for severe hip injuries is advised.
Get Peace of Mind with a Village Behind You
If you’ve suffered a fall, don’t hesitate to reach out to medical professionals you can trust for help. A board-certified physician can examine, diagnose, and effectively treat your hip injury, saving you a lot of time and pain in the recovery process. Get the peace of mind you deserve when dealing with hip injuries from falling. Rely on your Village. Visit our website for more information.