A standalone ER offers an oasis of quality emergency care that allows you to avoid the hassle and long wait times of hospital ERs.

What Are the Advantages of a Standalone ER Versus a Hospital ER?

Traditionally, emergency rooms have been located within hospital walls for the convenience of a kind of one-stop shop for all your medical needs. But this department store model doesn’t always translate to the best healthcare. Thanks to advanced technology and a new approach to medicine, standalone emergency rooms offer the same high level of care, but with improved service.

Here at the Emergency Room, we offer emergency services to the Texas, community, giving them peace of mind knowing that qualified personnel are standing by 24 hours a day, seven days a week, for any medical emergency.

A worry-free zone

One of the biggest advantages of a standalone ER over a hospital ER is that here at the Emergency Room — and at all the Village Emergency Centers — emergency medicine is all we do, and every member of our staff and every piece of equipment is devoted to that mission.

In fact, we endeavor to make our ERs “worry-free zones,” which means that we want you to focus on what’s important and not on parking, long wait times, or a lack of available personnel.

When you walk in, we get you in front of a qualified medical provider in less than 10 minutes whenever possible — which is most of the time. We understand that you wouldn’t be seeking emergency care if you weren’t experiencing significant pain or discomfort, so we make every effort to facilitate your diagnosis and get you treated as quickly as possible.

If you require testing, we’re able to run you through diagnostic imaging or lab tests very quickly since our dedicated on-site services aren’t shared. When you’re in a hospital ER, you’re sharing services, equipment, and often personnel with every other department in the hospital, which can lead to long wait times.

At ER, all of our on-site services are there for your prompt diagnosis and treatment.

Convenience matters

Another big advantage to a standalone ER is that our facility is reserved for your emergency. This means that parking is free and just steps from the main entrance. When you come in, the waiting area, snack and coffee services, free wifi, and children’s activity area are all on hand for your convenience.

Hospitals are, understandably, large and confusing places with mazes of corridors on each floor. ER is one building that houses everything you need while you or a loved one receives top-notch medical care.

Qualified, and then some

At ER, our medical staff has the same emergency care qualifications that hospital ER staffers do and they handle almost every medical emergency in patients of all ages.

Whether your newborn has come down with an ear infection, your elderly parent has fallen, or you’re grappling with debilitating back pain, a qualified physician will see you right away and make sure you receive the latest treatment protocols and best practices in the field.

The last, and perhaps most significant, advantage of a standalone ER over a hospital ER is that you’re treated like a person who has a medical issue, not a number or a bed that needs to be cleared. We never rush you, and we work with you until your problem is solved.

For great emergency care in a devoted, standalone facility, visit ER any time of the day or night, 365 days a year.