We love dogs. Dogs can be very friendly and comforting companions. However, there are times when a dog can be a cause of a traumatic event. When a dog bites, it can be a scary situation. Unfortunately, dog bites are very common and they’re most commonly from pets, and children are most frequently the victims of dog bites. It is important to keep an eye on any animal bite to make sure that the bite isn’t too serious or isn’t cause for concern. So, what are the warning signs of a dog bite? What is the treatment for a dog bite? Village Emergency Centers are here to provide your conclusive answer to all questions concerning dog bites and what to do when you’ve been bitten.
The most common symptom of a dog bite is swelling. So, is swelling a concern? It depends. If your bite has swelling, redness, or pain that lasts more than 24 hours, it’s time to seek help from a qualified medical professional. If you see pus in or around the dog bite, this is also a sign that should cause concern. These are reasons to seek immediate medical attention.

Some Common Bacteria
Several types of bacteria can be present in an animal’s mouth and, therefore, transfer into the bite wound. Some of these bacteria include:
- Streptococci and S Aureus
- Pasteurella Canis
- Erysipelothrix Rhizopathies
- Capnocytophaga Canimorsus
- Eike Nella Corrodes
Think your dog’s mouth is cleaner than our own? Think again. The most common bacteria found in infected dog bites are streptococci and S Aureus. These bacteria occur in roughly 20%-50% of dog bites in North America. Therefore, we advise visiting a doctor’s office if there is any doubt about the dog bite.
Symptoms of Infection
If you are deciding whether or not to go to the doctor for your dog bite, there are several symptoms you’ll want to keep an eye on. Here are the symptoms it’s best not to ignore.
- Pain
- Swelling
- Redness
- Leaking
- Inflammation
Any of these symptoms could indicate that you may have come into contact with one of the aforementioned harmful bacteria. If you are dealing with harmful bacteria, you may develop some pretty serious issues. The bacteria could spread to the bloodstream or even get into the muscles, joints, or bones. This can cause extremely serious issues, such as arthritis, blood infections, or even the loss of a limb. Septic arthritis is a very real threat when it comes to dog bites.
Treatment of Dog Bites
Careful treatment for a dog bite is essential. The first step you want to take is to clean the wound carefully. Simply wash with soap and water and use a clean bandage to make sure that you keep the wound covered. Then, make sure to seek medical treatment. A doctor will likely prescribe antibiotics for the dog bite. Depending on the severity of the bite a doctor may recommend intravenous antibiotics or oral antibiotics. You may need to schedule a return visit so that the doctor can monitor your progress in clearing the infection.
Is Rabies a Concern with Dog Bite Swelling?
Rabies is always a concern when it comes to animal bites. Though it is not very common among pets, it is something to consider when a dog bite has occurred. If there is no proof of rabies vaccine for the dog who has bitten you, you’ll need to keep an eye out for the following symptoms.
- Fever
- Headache
- Muscle Weakness
- Confusion
- Mood Swings
- Nervousness
- Sleeping Issues
- Fear of Water
Rabies is treatable, but only if caught early. The treatment is quite serious and only effective if it is begun before symptoms appear. It is always wise to err on the side of caution. If you have been bitten or scratched by an animal whose rabies vaccination status you are unsure of, seek medical attention immediately. If not caught early, rabies can be fatal.
You should confirm the status of your tetanus vaccination if you’ve been bitten by any animal. You will need to have received a tetanus booster within the last 10 years for it to be effective.

Special Concerns
Dog bite treatment may be more intensive for anyone who has the following issues.
- A broken bone caused by the bite
- A weakened immune system
- A very deep bite wound.
Dog bite swelling is a cause for concern. Though there are several options for dog bite treatment, you must act quickly when you’ve been bitten by a dog. From cleaning the wound thoroughly to seeking medical attention, it is important to treat the wound very carefully and thoroughly to avoid dog bite infection. Once you’ve begun dog bite antibiotics, it is imperative to complete the treatment so that there is no longer a risk of infection.
Village Emergency Centers
If you need assistance concerning a dog bite, stop by our facility at Village Emergency Centers. We offer the most comprehensive care at one of Texas’s most prestigious medical centers. Whatever the need, no matter the hour, we will be there to provide medical services and help you with no wait times, friendly staff, and a very experienced medical team. We are open 24 hours a day and ready to assist you with your emergency needs.